throw together

美 [θroʊ təˈɡeðər]英 [θrəʊ təˈɡeðə(r)]
  • 仓促做成;快速张罗出;使…相遇相识
throw togetherthrow together

throw together


  • 1
    PHRASAL VERB 仓促做成;快速张罗出
    If you throw something together, for example a meal or a costume, you make it quickly and not very carefully.

    Too often, picnic preparation consists of throwing together some sandwiches and grabbing an apple.


  • 2
    PHR-V-RECIP 使…相遇相识
    If people are thrown together by a situation or event, it causes them to get to know each other, even though they may not want to.

    The cast and crew were thrown together for 12 hours a day, six days a week, until the filming was completed...

    演员和剧组人员每周 6 天,每天 12 小时都呆在一起,一直到影片杀青为止。


bring into random order
Synonym: scramble jumble
produce shoddily, without much attention to detail
Synonym: fudge together


  1. I can easily throw together some lunch .


  2. I 'll just throw together a quick supper .


  3. I was able to quickly throw together an application that worked but that was somewhat slow and bloated .


  4. To start , create a few different terrain types and throw together some really rudimentary map tiles to represent each terrain type .


  5. Let 's throw together a script that lets us keep track of winning numbers and provides the six least-picked numbers in our list .


  6. We don 't actually know if Philippe Dubost is any good at his job . But boy , can he throw together a resume .


  7. I 'll just throw together a quick supper . By the way , is there a buffet or a snack bar in your hotel ?


  8. You can throw together a box from spare parts and run UNIX , or you can buy a carefully pre-configured workstation for US $ 10,000 and still run UNIX .


  9. Throw together a quick stir-fry with frozen veggies and either boneless chicken or ( my favorite ) tofu with soy sauce or tamari .


  10. They also use Google 's own disclosures against it , leaping on Google Trends , which indicates newly popular subjects for searches , to throw together bogus pages faster than real news-oriented pages appear .


  11. Don 't just throw ideas together and hope they make sense .


  12. So I would advise developers to resist the temptation to just throw something together , even though Grails makes it so easy to throw something together .


  13. If the PHP engine sees $ this in a static method , it will throw a fatal error together with an informative message .


  14. When you throw all those steps together , the result is an even more unique beer type known as Geuze ( pronounced like a heavily accented " goose " ) .
